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daniel boone bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "daniel boone"
  • I gotta give it to your pal Daniel Boone.
    Aku harus memberikannya kepada sobat Anda Daniel Boone.
  • What are you, Daniel Boone, or something?
    Siapa kamu, Daniel Boone, atau sesuatu?
  • How many... ears does Daniel Boone have?
    Berapa banyak telinga Daniel Boone?
  • "Daniel Boone"... as in the guy with the raccoon on his head.
    "Daniel Boone"... orang dengan seekor rakun di kepalanya
  • David Bowie, Daniel Boone, D.B. Cooper,
    David Bowie, Daniel Boone, D.B. Cooper
  • In 1791, Daniel Boone was a member of the Kanawha County Assembly.
    Pada tahun 1791, Daniel Boone menjadi anggota Majelis Kanawha County.
  • George Washington planted Tuliptrees at Mount Vernon which are now 140 feet tall and Daniel Boone favored the wood of this tree for his 60-foot dugout canoe.
    George Washington ditanam Tuliptrees di Mount Vernon yang sekarang 140 meter dan Daniel Boone disukai kayu dari pohon ini untuk nya 60 kaki kano ruang istirahat.